Research Associate Positions DCP
Chanzo: SUA Website
Tarehe Iliyotolewa: 2018-07-05

Background and Project Objectives
DCP project is a 4-year consortium project led by UNEP-WCMC involving institutions from UK, China and Africa being funded by the Global Challenges Research Fund (GCRF). The DCP research partnership is helping countries in East Africa to plan for a sustainable future.
The project will use a capacity-building approach to analyse proposed development corridors in Kenya and Tanzania and consider how they can be designed to deliver sustainable, inclusive and resilient economic growth. Initial corridors are the Lamu Port and Lamu – Southern Sudan – Ethiopia Transport Corridor (LAPSSET Kenya) and the Southern Agricultural Growth Corridor of Tanzania (SAGCOT). Further corridors are likely to be considered by the project, including the corridor being created by building the Standard Gauge Railway in Tanzania and Kenya.
The project has three main objectives:
Capacity building
The DCP partnership will provide training to researchers and institutions in eastern Africa, UK and China. A key goal will be to increase the ability of researchers in Kenya and Tanzania to get the business case for natural capital accounted for in infrastructure projects. The resulting legacy of experienced and knowledgeable practitioners will be able to support more sustainable land-use and investment planning in East Africa and beyond.
Through cross-disciplinary research, the DCP project will enhance the relevance and quality of research on development corridors. Research priorities include:
• Natural capital and ecosystem services assessment and valuation
• Scenario analysis of the development potential of corridors
• Political and practical analysis of corridor implementation
The project will link the research done in eastern Africa to the work of Chinese research institutions who advise on Chinese development spending in Africa. By increasing knowledge of the issues and opportunities associated with development corridors in Africa, investment activities can be designed to be more socially and environmentally sustainable.
Policy impact
New and existing research will be shared with a range of decision makers involved in development corridor planning; including government, private sector actors and Chinese investors and lending agencies. This will ensure those involved in planning and implementing corridor visions can make evidence-based and informed decisions. Work on the ground will take place together with local government and local communities and aims to provide relevant advice at this local level as well as at the corridor and national scales.
POSITION: Research Associates (4 POSTS)
Four Research Associate positions are available for Tanzanian nationals at this time. Existing MSc. students who have or are about to complete their coursework are encouraged to apply to undertake their research within the natural capital and ecosystem services assessment and valuation components of the project.
Required competencies (Combined)
- Good BSc. Degree (GPA > 3.5) in natural science or related fields
- High social competences in interacting with stakeholders at different levels
- Good understanding of Ecosystem Services
- Experience with stakeholder or institutional analysis
- Excellent skills in Microsoft Office applications including statistical packages (e.g. SPSS, SAS)
- Excellent skills in oral and written communications in English
- Great interest in working with an interdisciplinary and international team
- Willingness to work in the field for extended periods.
What the research project offers
- Work in a strong international team
- Training in inter- and trans-disciplinary research
- Field expenses and travel allowances
- Supervision by experts from SUA and the collaborating institutions.
If interested, please send an application letter, CV, academic transcript, two academic referees’ letters, and a brief outline of your research interest to the DIRECTOR, DIRECTORATE OF POSTGRADUATE STUDIES, RESEARCH, TECHNOLOGY TRANSFER AND CONSULTANCY (DPRTC), P.O.BOX 3151, CHUO KIKUU, MOROGORO via E-mail: and copied to Prof. J.J. Kashaigili (, and Prof. Pantaleo Munishi (,
The deadline for Applications is 13th July 2018. The applications will be reviewed and only short-listed candidates will be contacted immediately after the deadline to set up the interviews.
NB: Candidates who had already applied for this position (under ACACIA) do not need to re-apply. All applications will be reviewed after the above-mentioned date.

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