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(Tiba ya Bawasiri)
?Ni dawa asili iliyofanyiwa utafiti wa hali ya juu yenye uwezo wa kutibu aina zote za bawasiri yaani bawasir ya nje na dawasiri ya ndani(internal and External hemorrhoids).
Dawa hizi:???
?? Hutibu maumivu makali yatokanayo na bawasiri.
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Ilala mtaa wa pangani
Shop/Seller's Name:
pandex herbs

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The product is in good condition and conforms to both international and national standards, It is recommended to anyone looking for genuine items, further details can be obtained by contacting the user from the contact details provided above, please feel free to contact us any time for more info and products, we import our products from various well renowned countries around the world *_BAWASIRI FLUID& BAWASIRI POWDER_* (Tiba ya Bawasiri) ?Ni dawa asili iliyofanyiwa utafiti wa hali ya juu yenye uwezo wa kutibu aina zote za bawasiri yaani bawasir ya nje na dawasiri ya ndani(internal and External hemorrhoids). Dawa hizi:??? ?? Hutibu maumivu makali yatokanayo na bawasiri. ?? Hutibu miwasho itokanayo na bawasiri. ??Huondosha uvimbe/kinyama kitokanacho na bawasiri. ??Huondosha kidonda na kutokwa na damu kutokana na bawasiri iliyopasuka yaani *Thrombosed Hemorrhoid* ?? Hulainisha choo Dawa hii inapatikana katika ujazo wa robo lita yaani mililita 100 (100mls) kwa dawa ya kupaka na pia dawa ya unga(BAWASIRI POWDER) kwaajili ya kunywa Ambayo ni doze kamili kwa bawasiri ya nje na bawasiri ya ndani. Ni dawa yakupakaa na ya kunywa ?Asilimia 90 (90%) ya wateja wote waliotumia doze hii hawamalizi hata nusu doze tatizo huisha kabisa na kuendelea na shughuli zao kama kawaida. Dawa hii hutibu bawasiri ndani ya wiki moja na baadhi hutumia zaidi ya wiki moja kulingana na ukubwa wa tatizo NB: Bawasiri ni katika magonjwa ambayo tiba yake husumbua sana hospital mpaka kupelekea watu kufanyiwa upasuaji mdogo yaani *minor surgery* lakini bawasiri haiishi kwa kufanyiwa upasuaji kwani huwa inarejea tena na inaweza kurejea kwa kasi zaidi na madhara zaidi kama ambavyo imeshuhudiliwa kwa wagonjwa wengi. Kwa mahitaji ya dawa wasiliana nami:??? *LIWAYA* Tiba Asili Tanzania *P A N D E X H E R B S* +255717541527 +255755162724 KARIBUNI SANA.
This site has always provided with the best match highest quality best products at amazingly unbeatable prices, everytime i look for something to buy this is my first place to turn to, I recommend it to anyone who value their money and those who look for something that they deserve. Big up to the owner the developers and the managers of this wonderful site :) Love ya all
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This site has always provided with the best match highest quality best products at amazingly unbeatable prices, everytime i look for something to buy this is my first place to turn to, I recommend it to anyone who value their money and those who look for something that they deserve. Big up to the owner the developers and the managers of this wonderful site :) Love ya all

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