Product Details
Ngiri/ Hernia/mshipa/kuvimba kwa mshipa/ korodani kuuma/korodani kuvimba/kukosa haja kubwa/
97,000 TZS
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*DALILI ZA MTU MWENYE MSHIPA WA NGIRI (HERNIA)* _____________________*Dr_Izack*+255752972267 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<Dalili za ngiri zipo nyingi sana miongoni mwazo ni ????Kubana tumbo khasa chini ya kitovu wakati....
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Dar es salaam ilala boma
Shop/Seller's Name:
Pandex herbal clinic

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Ngiri/ Hernia/mshipa/kuvimba kwa mshipa/ korodani kuuma/korodani kuvimba/kukosa haja kubwa/
The product is in good condition and conforms to both international and national standards, It is recommended to anyone looking for genuine items, further details can be obtained by contacting the user from the contact details provided above, please feel free to contact us any time for more info and products, we import our products from various well renowned countries around the world
Dalili za ngiri zipo nyingi sana miongoni mwazo ni ??
??Kubana tumbo khasa chini ya kitovu wakati wa baridi au unapokula vitu vitamu.
??Tumbo tupiga mingurumo.
??Tumbo kujaa gesi.
??Kuhisi haja kubwa na ukifika chooni unatoa upepo tu.
??Kupata haja ngumu kama ya mbuzi.
??Kukaa siku kadhaa bila kwenda haja kubwa.
??Wakati flani unakwenda haja sana kila mara kwa mara.
??Unaweza kufanya jimai mara moja tu kisha hamu inakuishia hupati nguvu tena mpaka kesho.
??Nuru ya macho hupotea taratibu.
??Hutokea wakati mwingine kufanya jimai mwanzo kabisa au katikati ya tendo gari linazimika.
??Korodani kuuma.
??Hupiga mishale sehemu za haja kubwa au pembeni karibu na tundu la haja kubwa.
??Maumivu makali ya mgongo au kiuno.
??Uume kusinyaa na kunywea kama wa mtoto.
??Maumivu kati ya paja na kinena na hupelekea mguu kuwaka moto au kupata ganzi.
??Kupata maumivu katikati ya kifua mithili ya chembe ya moyo ( *hiatal hernia* )
??Kuvimba kwa korodani au korodani kupanda juu moja ama zote kwa pamoja.
? Ngiri *(Hernia)* ni miongoni mwa matibabu makubwa sana ambayo upelekea Upungufu wa nguvu za kiume kwa haraka sana.
?Mwanaume anapota ngiri *(Hernia)* . Maeneo ambapo ngiri hutokea mara nyingi huwa na muunganiko na mirija ya damu pamoja na never ambazo hufanya kazi ya kutoka na kupeleka taarifa kwenye korodani na uume ( *penis* ) pia kupeleka damu kwenye uume ili kuluusu uume kusimama imara.
?Inapotokea ngiri. Usafirishaji wa damu kwenda kwenye uume pamoja na taarifa hushindwa kufanyika kwa weledi, matokeo take uume usimama legelege, hali hii usababisha mwanaume kufika mapema kileleni *(pre_mature ejaculatio)* pamoja na kukosa hisia za mapenzi na kushindwa kurejea tendo kwa wakati.
Wasiliana na dr_izack kwa msaada zaidi 0752962267
This site has always provided with the best match highest quality best products at amazingly unbeatable prices, everytime i look for something to buy this is my first place to turn to, I recommend it to anyone who value their money and those who look for something that they deserve. Big up to the owner the developers and the managers of this wonderful site :) Love ya all
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This site has always provided with the best match highest quality best products at amazingly unbeatable prices, everytime i look for something to buy this is my first place to turn to, I recommend it to anyone who value their money and those who look for something that they deserve. Big up to the owner the developers and the managers of this wonderful site :) Love ya all

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