PhD Scholarships in Switzerland
General Description
Amount and additional allowances
- The scholarship amounts to a monthly payment of CHF 1’920.
- For non-EU and non-EFTA grantees only: the FCS pays mandatory Swiss health insurance.
- There are no family allowances.
- No financial support for fieldwork or for conferences.
- Scholarship holders from non-EU and non-EFTA countries receive a flight allowance (lump sum) for a ticket back to their country of origin (provided at the end of the scholarship).
- Special CHF 300 housing allowance (paid once at the beginning of the scholarship).
- One-year half-fare public transportation card. Support services and various trips, dinners and sightseeing tours organised for Swiss Government Excellence Scholarship holders.
Eligibility criteria and specific conditions
Master’s degree or equivalent university degree achieved before 31 July 2020 (degree certificate) recognised by the Swiss university.
As a proof, the degree has to be submitted to the Federal Commission for Scholarships before the start of the scholarship.
Applicant’s date of birth after 31 December 1984.
Applicants must provide a letter from an academic host professor (including her/his short CV) at the chosen Swiss university confirming why she/he is willing to supervise and support the PhD thesis.
Without such support, the application will be rejected.
If an assistant professor supports a candidature, a full professor who is entitled to supervise the PhD during the entire scholarship has to co-sign the support letter.
Applicants must have a research proposal including a timeframe. This is the centrepiece of the application. The applicant must devote all required attention to it.
Applicants must be in command of the necessary language skills required for the PhD studies/ research.
Applicants who have been in Switzerland since more than one year at the beginning of the scholarship in September are not eligible.
Applicants who have already benefited from a Swiss Government Excellence Scholarship are not eligible to apply for a second scholarship.
Scholarship holders are expected to move to Switzerland during their grant period.
PLEASE NOTE: The FCS application for a PhD scholarship and the application for admission by a Swiss University for a PhD study are two separate procedures. The admission to a PhD study at your chosen Swiss University is a conditio sine qua non for a potential attribution of a FCS scholarship - but no guarantee though for a positive decision by the Federal Commission for Scholarships for Foreign Students FCS. It is the applicant’s responsibility to manage both procedures in parallel.

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