Mahanjumati Makange ya Kuku

General Description

Source: Mapishi classic blog

Release date: 2017-05-22


Duty Station: Zanzibar
30023 visits!... Deadline: 2018-04-16 00:00:00



1.Kuku 1
1 Whole Chicken

2.Mafuta lita 1
1 Litre Cooking Oil

3.Tangawizi iliotwangwa(kusagwa) vijiko vikubwa 3
3 Tbsp Mashed Ginger

4.Kitunguu thomu kilotwangwa(kusagwa) kijiko kikubwa 1
1 Tbsp Mashed Garlic Cloves

5.Kitunguu maji kikubwa 1
1 Large Onion

6.Karoti kubwa 1
1 Large Carrot

7.Pilipili Hoho(Pilipili boga) kubwa 1
1 Large Green Pepper

8.Ndimu 2
2 Lemon

9.Chumvi vijiko vikubwa 3
3 Tbsp Salt

10.Chicken Masala vijiko vikubwa 3
3 Tbsp Chicken Masala

11.Nyanya ya paket kijiko kikubwa 1
1 Tbsp Tomato Paste

12.Nyanya (Tungule) kubwa kiasi 1
1 Large Tomato

13.Pilipili 1
1 Chilli



1.Osha Kuku wako vizuri kisha mkate vipande upendavyo.
Rinse the chicken well and slice into many pieces you want

2.Muweke viungo vyako kama tangawizi,thomu,ndimu 1 na kipande(kipande weka pembeni),chumvi vijiko 2,chicken masala vijiko 2 kisha mchanganye vizuri na muweke kwenye friji kwa masaa yasio pungua mawili.
Marinate the chicken pieces by adding ginger,garlic cloves,1 and 1/2 squeezed lemon juice,2 tbsp salt,2 tbsp chicken masala mix them well and refrigerate for at-least 2 hours

3.Kata keroti,pilipili hoho na kitunguu maji kwa urefu au umbo upendalo ila viwe vipande vikubwa vinavyo onekana baada ya kuiva.
Chop the carrot,onion and green pepper into long pieces

4.Para au saga nyanya na iweke kwenye kibakuli.
Grate the tomato and keep it aside



1.Chukua karai mimina mafuta na yaache yapate moto wa wastani
In the frying pan pour the oil and heat to the medium heat

2.Anza kumkaanga kuku taratibu mpaka aive.
Add the chicken pieces and fry them well until done

3.Tumia karai lile lile punguza mafuta bakisha mafuta machache kwa ajili ya kukaanga viungo viliobakia.
When they are done remove the pieces to the sieve and pour the oil in to another pot and leave little amount of oil in the frying pan just to use them to fry remain ingredients

4.Anza kukaanga kitunguu kisha weka pilipili hoho na malizia na keroti usikaange kwa muda mrefu havitakiwi kuiva sana.
Add onion in frying pan then carrot and green pepper but do not over frying them

5.Weka nyanya ulizopara koroga na malizia kwa kuweka chumvi,masala,nyanya ya paketi,pilipili na ile ndimu kipande iliobakia.
Then add tomato stir the mixture than add salt,chicken masala,tomato paste,chilli and lemon juice

6.Mimina kuku wako na mkoroge kidogo ili aenee vile viungo kisha mtoe weka kwenye sahani
Lastly add fried chicken pieces stir the mixture well then add the mixture to the plate

7.Inapendeza kula na chipsi,ndizi za kukaanga,ndizi za kuchoma,wali au chaopati.
You can serve with chips,fried banana,backed banana,rice or breads.



1.Hakikisha unapikia kwenye karai.
Make sure you use big frying pan in preparing this dish

2.Usiweke maji wala nyanya nyingi kwenye upishi wako.
Do not add water or too much tomato

3.Rosti halitakiwi kuwa jingi itakua sio makange ni mchuzi sasa.
Make sure the sauce is little and well covered by chicken

4..Kama huna kuku unaweza kupika kwa nyama ya ngo'mbe,mbuzi,samaki wa kukaanga n.k.
You can use fried cow's fillet,fried goat's fillet,fried fish instead of chicken.


Furahia Makange Yako.



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